What is reasonable, or not reasonable when it comes to asking your partner for support. Additionally, what can you rely on your partner for?
What are you afraid will happen or what are you afraid it might mean about you if you ask for what you need, or if you ask for support?
This was a question submitted in the Codependency Alchemy Broadcast Channel on Instagram. If you want to drop your own topic suggestions make sure you join the Broadcast Channel by clicking here: Codependency Alchemy Broadcast Channel
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The Codependency Quiz: 9 questions to help you see where codependency is influencing your life and relationships.
How to Heal Codependency in Your Relationships: A 5-week self-paced course that guides you through the tools & practices I use to get clients from resentful to reciprocal relationships. (USE PROMO CODE "PODCAST" TO GET 50% OFF)
Get your copy of “Healing the Mother Wound: With Mother Earth” on Amazon & BookBaby Bookstore
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