Codependency Alchemy
Codependency Alchemy: The Podcast
How can I learn to trust myself and others after being in abusive relationships?

Paid episode

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How can I learn to trust myself and others after being in abusive relationships?

When we have experienced abusive relationships, it can be challenging to trust ourselves and others. I remember feeling betrayed by myself, like how could I allow myself to be in something so toxic for so long? If I didn’t know better then, how could I trust myself to know better in the future?

Here are some things we discuss in this weeks episode that will hopefully help you in understanding this pattern of struggling to trust after abuse:

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Codependency Alchemy
Codependency Alchemy: The Podcast
Finding our authenticity and joy through shadow work and healing codependency. We heal the Mother Wound by coming together, sharing our truth, & being seen and witnessed by others. You can absolutely do this healing alone, the point is you don't have to.