Codependency Alchemy
Codependency Alchemy: The Podcast
Is There Codependency in Your Parenting?

Is There Codependency in Your Parenting?

Many of the women I have the privilege of working with are mothers. Mothers who feel touched out and need space, but feel guilt when it comes for asking or taking it, or they struggle trusting the resilience of their child and their partner to figure out their own way. I share about my background with child development and things I've learned about cultivating a prepared environment that supports the child's development and behavior.


Let's connect! Follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and you can even subscribe and watch the full episodes on YouTube!

Codependency Alchemy
Codependency Alchemy: The Podcast
Finding our authenticity and joy through shadow work and healing codependency. We heal the Mother Wound by coming together, sharing our truth, & being seen and witnessed by others. You can absolutely do this healing alone, the point is you don't have to.