Codependency Alchemy
Codependency Alchemy: The Podcast
What if I am still carrying shame from past sexual abuse?

What if I am still carrying shame from past sexual abuse?


I’ll never forget when I was in my situationship back in 2019 and all my sexual abuse trauma came bubbling up to the surface. I was completely confused because I felt like I had forgiven and put that past me, and I couldn’t understand why it so loud all of a sudden.

I learned that I had really repressed some very real feelings and emotions that a very young part of me was still holding. And in today’s podcast episode, Marcee was experiencing something very similar.

Please keep in mind when listening to today’s podcast episode that we will be exploring sexual abuse and trauma, so if this topic is sensitive to you please take care of your needs and check in with yourself before listening.

Things we discussed in this episode:

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Codependency Alchemy
Codependency Alchemy: The Podcast
Finding our authenticity and joy through shadow work and healing codependency. We heal the Mother Wound by coming together, sharing our truth, & being seen and witnessed by others. You can absolutely do this healing alone, the point is you don't have to.